MARTIN YALE Buck Booster Transformer S16.50/16.86/1550
Product Description:
In order to have your equipment run at its best the right amount of power is the game changer. Trying to run your equipment at top performance is often compromised when a lack of power slows production and motor performance. Equipment that keeps overheating, needs constant replacement due to burn out or even damaging the equipment so it does not function properly are signs you lack efficient power. If you struggle with equipment functioning due to poor voltage then you need the Buck Boost Transformer.
The Buck Boost Transformer delivers a constant even level of power for all your electrical items. It is great as a power supply for multiple computers in an office setting. This makes It ideal for those high voltage jobs, but it is also great for low voltage controls such as a steady supply of power for a lighting circuits. You get both so regardless of need your Buck Boost Transformer delivers.