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Jack Richeson BABY PRESS BED PLATE (STEEL Bed Plate ONLY does NOT include Press)

Jack Richeson BABY PRESS BED PLATE (STEEL Bed Plate ONLY does NOT include Press)
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*(Image shows Bed inside press. Press Not included.)
This sturdy galvanized steel bed plate for a Jack Richeson Baby Press helps complete a wide range of printmaking jobs for the professional or amateur artist alike.
Item Code: JR-695103
Avg. Rating

List $69.95
Sale-Price: $49.99
You Save: $19.96 (29%)

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Product Description:
Jack Richeson BABY PRESS BED PLATE (STEEL) 11 3/4 in. x 19 3/4 in. x 1/8 in. Steel Bed Plate. Fits the Jack Richeson & Co., Inc "Baby Printing Press" (#695102).

Whether you are a professional or hobby printmaker, this galvanized steel bed plate for a Jack Richeson Baby Press gives you a much needed tool for the job. The bed plate is the bottom layer in the printmaking process. It is perfect for use in a wide range of printmaking techniques including linoleum block printing, collagraph printing, engraving, etching, and monoprinting. It fits the Baby Printing Press model 695102 from Jack Richeson & Co., Inc. The bed is operated by a two-point handle. When the bed plate reaches a certain point during the print process, it drops into stoppers on the press itself and off of the press rollers. The plate needs to be guided by hand for each press run.

(Oversize Shipping: $15.85)
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