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Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint (1.25 oz.) - FRENCH ULTRAMARINE

Add beautiful, rich hues of blue to every oil project with Artisan Water French Ultramarine.
Item Code: arwatmixoilp7
Avg. Rating

List $7.65
Sale-Price: $4.59
You Save: $3.06 (40%)

Product Description:

Winsor & Newton has long been a leading example of high quality paints at economical prices, and when it comes to oils, look no further than their Artisan Water collection. Though they are designed to respond well to soap and water (errors and spills can be corrected with ease), artists will find that all of the main traditional and professional oil painting techniques can still be achieved. To thin out the paint and make its moisture last longer (for more time-consuming works), just add more water.

Using more than four different yet complementary shades, the French Ultramarine color is a magnificent deep blue that stands well on its own. That said, it can also be easily blended with other oil paints (particularly those also from the Artisan Water collection) to form new colors and shades. In this sense, this paint is perfect for any project that requires depth and body. 

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