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Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint (1.25 oz.) - CERULEAN BLUE

Add a cool and refreshing palette to your next piece of art with this calm, yet vibrant, blue.
Item Code: arwatmixoilp5
Avg. Rating

List $16.95
Sale-Price: $10.17
You Save: $6.78 (40%)

Product Description:

Do you want the professional quality of an oil color without the potential for a huge mess?  With this mixable paint from Winsor & Newton, take your paintings to the next level while maintaining control with ease of cleaning.  Able to be thinned with just water and making cleanup a breeze, this paint is perfect for those looking to begin working with oil colors. 

The cerulean color of this mixable oil paint is just right for adding life to regular blues and greens.  With an attractive glow, this color will grab the attention of your artwork admirers and will add character in all the right places of your compositions.  Take the first step towards oil painting with a brand name that ensures quality tones for all of your art pieces.

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