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Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint (1.25 oz.) - CADMIUM YELLOW HUE

Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint in Cadmium Yellow from Winsor and Newton is a bright hue made from the chemical component cadmium. This oil paint can be combined with water to change the consistency and application of the paint. Artists can use this paint to lend a vibrant hue to an oil painting, or they can dilute the color to make it a bit more subtle. Since the paint is water-mixable, it is ideal for expectant mothers in terms of safety.
Item Code: arwatmixoilp3
Avg. Rating

List $7.65
Sale-Price: $4.59
You Save: $3.06 (40%)

Product Description:

These mixable oil paints are affordably priced, and the tubes fit neatly into art supply cases. The tube size also helps to preserve the paint so it won't dry out prematurely. The tube shape also makes for easy paint distribution so artists can control the amount of paint they use during a project. Water-mixable oil colors from Madison Art Shop are often noticeably lower in price than paint at other art supply stores.

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