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Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint (1.25 oz.) - CADMIUM RED HUE

Cadmium Red is a mid-range red color that is perfect for tinting. It is part of the specially mixed Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint product line that is designed  to let the paints accept water.
Item Code: arwatmixoilp2
Avg. Rating

List $7.65
Sale-Price: $4.59
You Save: $3.06 (40%)

Product Description:

Cadmium Red is a very stable mid-range red color. A bold opaque pigment, it has strong tinting qualities.

The Artisan brand of water mixable oil paint contains no water. However, the safflower and linseed oils have been mixed to allow the colors to accept water. The color's characteristics are enhanced by the special mixture.

Artisan water mixable oil paint is thick and buttery. This lets the artist use a variety of techniques in the creation of projects, 

The brand of paints is free of hazardous solvents. Because they can accept water, the oil paints can be thinned in a way that meets the artist's needs.

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