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Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint (1.25 oz.) - YELLOW OCHRE

This vibrant brand of oil color is solvent free, mixes with water, and can be cleaned with soap and water.
Item Code: arwatmixoilp13
Avg. Rating

List $7.65
Sale-Price: $4.59
You Save: $3.06 (40%)

Product Description:

The Artisan brand of water mixable oil paint does not contain hazardous solvents at all. They have been developed to work and look like conventional oil paints. There is no water within this product line. However, the linseed and safflower have been filtered to allow the  colors to accept water.The special mixture allows each color's characteristics to be enhanced.

Artisan paints have a thick buttery consistency, which allows for a variety of techniques to be used in creation of works. They can be thinned according to artist's needs.

Originally produced from natural iron oxides found in earth, Yellow Ochre is a vibrant warm yellow color. It is one of the oldest pigments available. A synthetic type of Yellow Ochre was developed in the 1920s.

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