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Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paint (1.25 oz.) - BURNT UMBER

This highly flexible color can soften blues or stand on its own as an excellent Earth tone.
Item Code: CA-AWM1-25-BU
Avg. Rating

List $7.65
Sale-Price: $4.59
You Save: $3.06 (40%)

Product Description:

A lot of artists passionately belong to one of two camps: sienna or umber. Umber is often a darker shade than sienna which is the cause of the furious debate. On one hand, artists feel that the warmer tone of sienna makes for a more inviting piece. The other side believes that the utility gained through umber far outweighs any darker tones that exist within the color. The famous Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer was a vast believer in umber as he chose this color to represent shadows, instead of the traditional shades of black.

Whatever side an artist belongs to, they often have both colors in stock as these colors mix so well with other shades on a palette. Burnt Umber is also excellent for standing alone when painting sunsets, landscapes, and much more.

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