9 Art Books Library
Product Description:
This 9 Art Books Library contains books handpicked by Larry Gluck, founder of the Gluck Method of art instruction.
(1) “The Talent Myth”, Gluck’s most famous work, explores the nature of artistic talent and how to develop it.
(2) “The Painted Word” by Tom Wolf explores the history of modern art, giving the reader perspective on artistic expression.
(3) "Bridgman's Life Drawing” takes the reader through the motions of learning how the human body changes with motion and how to capture it on paper, while his
(4) “Heads, Features and Faces” is also from Bridgman, focusing on using fine details and proportions to create life-like art.
(5) “The Human Figure: Life Drawing for Artists”, Bridgman’s.
(6) “The Book of a Hundred Hands”
(7) “Sargent Portrait Drawings” emphasize's bringing life to drawings and paintings.
(8) “Michelangelo Life Drawings”
(9) “Rubens Drawings” serve's as an inspiration exemplifying the beauty of the human form.
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