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Sparmax Arism Mini

Item Code: AR-arism-mini
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List $259.00
Sale-Price: $169.99
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Product Description:
Product description
The ARISM Mini is a powerful and compact compressor; designed for workbench applications whilst saving the user space. As a smaller unit, it was also designed to be highly portable, for use on-the-go, and easy to store. In keeping with it's compact nature, the ARISM Mini also has a built-in airbrush holder on it's handle, meaning less moveable parts to store or change. This is the quintessential compact compressor for all ages and experience levels, and will be released with 8 color options.

| Zero- maintenance, oil-less piston air compressor
| Preset maximum pressure: 45 psi
| 2M Braided hose
| Built-in airbrush holder on the handle
| Pressure Adjustable

Product detail
12 - 14 lpm
2.5 kgs / 6.2 lbs
L17.5 x W9 x H17.2 cm
L6 x W9 x H8 in

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