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AllerAir 600 Series Air Purifiers

Purifying the air of your home, office or studio has never been quieter or easier with our line of AllerAir 600 Series air purifiers. Compact in size and available with combinations of filters, our 600 Series line contains purifiers specially formulated to rid the air of the specific chemical families that artists work with, such as oil and acetate. These affordable purifiers are powerhouses. They can purify rooms up to 2000 square feet, making them ideal for any studio size. This line features true HEPA air filters, some with 26 pounds of activated carbon that clean 99% of impurities from the air, leaving your home or studio odor- and chemical-free. These purifiers are ideal for anyone who wishes to work in a toxin-free environment, and artists with allergies or asthma are likely to benefit the most. Free shipping for those who live in the lower 48 of the United States.

Air purifiers for the artist home and studio.

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