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All Too Wonderful: Frank Capra and James Stewart Video (DVD)

All Too Wonderful: Frank Capra and James Stewart Video (DVD)
A biographical video presentation about the lives of the Hollywood Golden Era actor James Stewart and the director, producer, and writer -basically a Hollywood triple threat- Frank Capra and their famous collaboration "It's a Wonderful Life".
Item Code: FI-33663
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List $99.95
Sale-Price: $89.99
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Product Description:
This biographical DVD video shows the lives and the collaboration between the Hollywood golden era actor James Stewart and the director, producer, and writer Frank Capra. The two worked together on the film "It's a Wonderful Life" out of a combined desire to create a film that showed the American dream, the potential for dissatisfaction having that can cause, and how in the end what you have is more valuable than you may have initially realized. "It's a Wonderful Life" is an endearing classic still beloved by people today. James Stewart's later film career is also shown in detail. This twenty-seven minute video is a perfect fit for fans of Frank Capra and James Stewart and film students. (Color and black and white).

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