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American Easel Solid Oak Professional Easel

American Easel Solid Oak Professional Easel
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A sleek, professional easel is just what you need to display your art while in progress, or when complete.
Item Code: AE5700
Avg. Rating

List $209.99
Sale-Price: $99.99
You Save: $110.00 (52%)

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Product Description:
At 82" tall, this solid oak easel is built to last and aims to please. With 12" and 22" canvas holders, this easel is versatile and can accommodate canvases up to 70" high; perfect for any of your out-of-the-box projects. Crafted from solid oak and finished in a golden oak color, this single mast studio easel is handsome enough to compliment your masterpieces and stable enough to hold up to your painting schedule. Featuring a base support for added stability as well as palette-resting arms designed for comfortable painting, this easel will keep you working in style and comfort. Best of all, this piece folds flat for the most convenient storage solution you've ever encountered.

Please note that this item incurs and oversize shipping fee of $25.20.
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