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American Easel Thinner Screen w/container

Use this container with its wire screen inside to clean your paintbrush and keep it from contaminating the next color that you use.
Item Code: AE260c
Avg. Rating

List $13.99
Sale-Price: $9.99
You Save: $4.00 (29%)

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Product Description:
The process of cleaning a paintbrush can be difficult, and keeping paint trapped within the bristles can mean that the next color you use can be contaminated by the last color. With this system of cleaning your brush, you can make sure that all of the paint from your last color is brushed away with the screen at the bottom of the container. The container holds 32 ounces and comes with a lid. To use the screen at the bottom, pour 1.5" of mineral spirits into the container. Every time you change your color, dip your brush into the spirits and gently run your brush across the wire at the bottom. This will loosen any paint that has remained in the brush. You can store the spirits in the container safely by closing the lid when you are finished cleaning your brush.
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