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Richeson SENECA Table Easel

An attractive and compact easel-option for the visual artist of all media.
Item Code: JRM696008
Avg. Rating

List $60.95
Sale-Price: $25.67
You Save: $35.28 (58%)

Product Description:

Richeson SENECA Table Easel This classic tabletop easel is lightweight yet sturdy. Since it manipulates with ease, it travels gracefully making it a great option for art classes (whether you are a teacher with plans to utilize it for your studio or a student looking for a solid tabletop easel). This compact, delightful easel is made from hardwood; it will without a doubt withstand years of even tough daily usage.

The sleek design is elegant and even decorative.  In addition to being a practical work-in-progress easel, ti can also be utilized to display finished work.  It will compliment an office, living room, even a lobby. Its simplicity makes it the perfect companion to any decor.  The Richeson Seneca Table Easel is a best-seller!

Art students love it. Professional love it. Our customers love it. And so will you!

  • The base dimensions (space it will take up on your table) is 11" x 12.5"
  • The height is extendable from 30" to 39"
  • It has an adjustable canvas holder which can lock in a canvas up to 22" high or anywhere all the way down to the smallest canvas.
    (Oversize Shipping: $15.85)
  • Customer Reviews

    Product Reviews

    5 out of 5, Based on 2 Reviews.
    Write a Review
    Bloomfield, Iowa
    January 26, 2013

    We give a lot of art lessons in various mediums, and the instructor already had 8 .. so these fit right in. Very good for all mediums. Using them right now for soft pastels .. easy to handle and store.
    Northbrook, Illinois
    October 09, 2011

    Easel is an excellent product for the money. Easy to use and set up, sturdy and not tippy. Easily adustable for various height canvases. We purchased for displaying of a veterans WWI Army medals shadow box. I little tricky for the initial set up when taking out of the shipment box. An instruction diagram or sheet would have been helpful.