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Vesuvio DESK-HEIGHT Seating

Vesuvio DESK-HEIGHT Seating
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Enjoy the highest level of flexibility and comfort with the Vesuvio Desk-Height seating chair. The chair can adjust to help you perform any activity you have in mind, as it comes with adjusters on the sides. Furthermore, this model is designed to meet your needs for overall ergonomics and style.
Item Code: MU-91-800911
Avg. Rating

List $239.99
Sale-Price: $129.99
You Save: $110.00 (46%)
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Product Description:

The Vesuvio Desk-Height seating chair is a champion of its kind because it offers extreme levels of solace and grace. The unit comes in colors that can easily fit any room’s arrangement. Therefore, it is perfect for a bedroom, office, living room or private painting area.

The Vesuvio desk chair can adjust to 21.5 inches, and you can control it using the two spring buttons to the right of the seat. The curved armrests can give you maximum relaxation as you ponder where life is going to take you. The Vesuvio chair is built to last you for many years. You can take it on a wide variety of adventures and carry it along with you when you move to an exciting new area.  

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