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Feng Shui DRAFTING-Height Seating

Feng Shui DRAFTING-Height Seating
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Have the ultimate in comfortable seating for those long hours of sitting, while drafting.
Item Code: MU-91-77061
Avg. Rating

List $329.99
Sale-Price: $209.99
You Save: $120.00 (36%)
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Product Description:

The Martin Feng Shui chair design is the most comfortable chair a person may have. Anyone who works for long hours sitting at a drafting table, knows that comfortable seating is not only desirable, it is essential!  Work flow is negatively affected when the body is uncomfortable. This is one of the principles of the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. Comfortable seating promotes excellent work. In order for this drafting chair to have the most comfort, it is highly adjustable.  This chair has great support for the lower back and is adjustable in all the ways needed to make a perfect fit for your comfort. Both the armrests and the 18 inch chrome ring for footrests are adjustable. The seat is adjustable to any height between 25 to 35 inches. This chair comes in the choice of black, gray or red color to match any decor.

(Oversize Shipping: $13.75)

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