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Stanford DRAFTING-HEIGHT Seating

Stanford DRAFTING-HEIGHT Seating
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The Stanford Drafting Height Seating chair will set you in motion to draw your destiny.
Item Code: MU-91-100611
Avg. Rating

List $295.99
Sale-Price: $189.99
You Save: $106.00 (36%)
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Product Description:

The Stanford Drafting Height Seating chair is the ideal chair for drawing precision pictures and painting your way to fame. The seat and backside areas are padded with extra foam to enhance your comfort while you are in creative form. You can adjust the unit from 17 to 22 inches to compensate for changes in the height of your easel, table or computer desk. The chair is a chameleon of comfort, providing you with several feet of pure delight.

The Stanford Drafting Height Seating chair has an adjustable chrome foot ring so you can relax your feet while you enjoy your work. Its contemporary styling adds to its visual allure, so it can double as a Feng Shui component or an eye-catching prop. The chair can easily roll to your favorite room for quiet painting, television viewing, computer work or financial planning. Additionally, the chair has armrests for those times when you just need to stretch and think.

(Oversize Shipping: $45.00)

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