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Raphael Studio Acrylic Painting Kit

Item Code: MU-63-AB40021
Avg. Rating

List $99.99
Sale-Price: $49.99
You Save: $50.00 (50%)

Product Description:
The Weber Raphael Acrylic Painting Kit includes, the remarkable
Raphael table easel, made of beautiful elm, and a unique functional design that allows the user to lower the center mast and canvas-holders with artwork below the table surface, (to avoid standing to reach the top of the canvas.)
The easel is also equipped with storage compartments for all materials.
Kit comes complete with 12-tubes of Acrylic Colors, 3- 9x12 canvas panels and 4 assorted taklon artist brushes, all in a full color box.
Raphael Studio Acrylic Painting Kit
(Oversize Shipping: $15.85)
Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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Shreveport, LA
April 11, 2012

I hadn't painted since high school and I wanted a starter kit to get back into it without spending a lot of money. This set was perfect for that. The easel is compact enough for my apartment and there is a lot of room for additional paint and brushes inside. I only had a few minor nitpicks: you cannot store the extra canvases inside the easel, they have to either be stored on the easel or in some other location. Also, this easel cannot hold the provided canvases in the landscape position. This set is great for beginners and a good value.

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