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Rivera Sketch Box Easel Oil Painting Kit

Item Code: MU-63-AB30332
Avg. Rating

List $199.99
Sale-Price: $119.99
You Save: $80.00 (40%)

Product Description:
The Weber Rivera Studio Oil painting set includes a deluxe Sketch Box Easel made of tung oiled Elm with metal dividers in the drawer. The Sketch Box Easel Oil Painting Kit is completed with 12 tubes Oil colors, 3- 9x12 canvas panels and 4 assorted Taklon Artist brushes; all in a beautiful color box.
Rivera Sketch Box Easel Oil Painting Kit
{Oversize Shipping: $25.20}
Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

4 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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Stockton, CA
December 11, 2010

A nicely crafted item at a great price however don't expect to set it up quickly. It takes a while to get it stable enough to paint.

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