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Rivera Sketch Box Easel Acrylic Kit

Item Code: MU-63-AB30331
Avg. Rating

List $254.99
Sale-Price: $129.99
You Save: $125.00 (49%)

Product Description:
The Weber Rivera Studio Acrylic Kit includes a deluxe Sketch Box Easel, with metal dividers in the drawer, made of tung oiled Elm, completed with 12 tubes Acrylic colors, 3- 9x12 canvas panels and 4 assorted Taklon Artist brushes; all in a beautiful color box.
Rivera Sketch Box Easel Acrylic Kit

(Oversize shipping: $39.95)
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Artist Sketch Box

Artists who travel use sketch boxes to transport sketching materials for their art work. Many artist sketch boxes have fold up easels that setup easily for portability. Sketch boxes are usually made of wood with adjustable compartments for sketching and paint supplies.

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