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AllerAir 6000 DX Air Purifier

Ensure the quality of the air in your studio with this Aller Air 6000 DX Air Purifier, intended for studios that deal with high levels of air contaminants such as turpentines, oil paints and other types of chemical.

Item Code: AA-6000-DX
Avg. Rating

Sale-Price: $1,009.99

Product Description:

The AllerAir 6000 DX Air Purifier is a able to filter most airborne chemicals, including odors and gases, from the air. A pre-filter which can be cleaned is installed within the product can remove larger particles while a micro HEPA filter cleans out the smaller particles. There are two filters that protect against microbes are included for bacterial suppression and a single air purifier can clean up to 1800 square feet of studio space. Air is changed out every 30 minutes for a maximum of health and comfort. 

Features of the AllerAir 6000 DX Air Purifier include:

  • Contains 36 pounds of activated carbon mix.
  • Intended for heavy duty applications of up to 1800 square feet.
  • Can clear both large and small particles from the air.
  • Has a powerful filtration system in four separate stages.
  • Can be attached to a central air system for overall air quality.
  • Quiet fan for noise reduction.
(Oversize shipping: $55.00)
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