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AllerAir 6000 D-AH Air Purifier

Create a comfortable, safe art studio by removing airborne particles and toxic fumes/odors with an air purifier. Designed with two antimicrobial filters, a VOC blend carbon filter, and a micro-HEPA filter, the AllerAir 6000 D-AH Air Purifier will trap and remove dust and other particles occurring during art studio sessions. Free Shipping in the U.S.A.! (Excluding HI, AK & PR).

Item Code: AA-6000-D-AH
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Sale-Price: $999.98
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Product Description:

The AllerAir 6000 D-AH Air Purifier is a high-powered air purifying system that will effortlessly remove airborne particles and toxic fumes/odors that can occur while working on artwork. Compatible with most HVAC systems, this 23.5" x 15" air purifying system has a 3" micro-HEPA filter and 2 antimicrobial filters that will eliminate 99% of all airborne particles, including pottery, rock, and sand dust, and flakes from pastel painting. A special filter made out of a VOC blend of carbon aids in the absorption and removal of harmful toxins and odors that are produced by working with toluene-based or oil-based paints and solvents. Set air purifier to one of three different speeds to effectively remove particles and toxins in an 1800 sq ft radius.

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