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Allerair 6000 AH Air Purifier

Purify the entire air in any room up to 1800 square feet, several times an hour. Get rid of distracting odors and manage micro HEPA particles with the Allerair 6000 AH Air Purifier. Order anywhere in the U.S. and get free shipping.

Item Code: AA-6000-AH
Avg. Rating

Sale-Price: $899.98
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Product Description:

Bring the Allerair 6000 AH Air Purifier to your home or business suite, and notice changes in home and office climate, immediately. It emits 26 pounds of carbon to mitigate distracting odors. And, it uses a chemical reaction to filter micro HEPA particles. The carbon filter has an automatic carbon filter refill feature, which allows your maintenance crew to manage other important tasks, while the Allerair runs continually. The 3-speed 400 CFM output gives the Allerair the power to effectively service 1800 square feet of space. While priced economically, it is comparable to Exec, D, DX, Vocarb and other stand-alone models. It is built to "replace" the air in designated rooms several times per hour, without the operation of a furnace. As an added bonus, you get free shipping, if you are ordering from anywhere in the U.S., excluding Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

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