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Greece is the Answer (Enhanced DVD)

Greece is the Answer (Enhanced DVD)
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Will the economically troubled Greece make it when local people rise up using grassroots activism? 
Item Code: FI-56525
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

In Greece, old political systems that controlled the wealth are collapsing. Citizens are taking over their own supply and demand as new economies rise up within its borders. They're rebuilding the country from the ground up and creating a new life for themselves independent of accumulating bank debts and high interest rates. Could this become an example to other countries? Will it save this nation?

It is said that Greece might even become the start of a new Europe. At the same time, the citizens tapped into values and social patterns of the past. The grassroots activism facilitated by the local people could be the answer for any troubling economy. Could this county serve as a model for other nations? 

  • ISBN: 978-0-81609-126-3
  • Run Time: 50 minutes 
  • Copyright Date: ©2013
  • Closed Captioned

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