Moyers & Company: The Top Secret Trade Deal You Need to Know About (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Bill Moyers discusses the secretiveness of Trans-Pacific Partnership trades with Yves Smith, a blogger and global economy observer. Dean Baker, Co-director of the Progressive Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C., also chimes in on this conversation. The insight they have about business activities and financing ethics could provide wisdom for North American, South American and Asian trading partners.
This video will clue suppliers in on how changes in trade operations around the world will affect manufacturing, distribution and sales. This production also addresses the uneasiness about the White House's lack of transparency concerning rushed trade agreements. Bad U.S. government policies such as deficient spending and other fears concerning current federal decisions are also addressed.
- ISBN: 978-0-81608-918-5
- Run Time: 45 Minutes
- Copyright Date: ©2013
- Closed Captioned
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