Insect Dissection: How Insects Work (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Follow Dr. James Logan and Brendan Dunphy, entomologists, as they complete an insect dissection, revealing insects unusual biological structures, which have allowed them to outnumber humans by 200 million to one and play an important role in maintaining our world's many ecosystems. This DVD will show the amazing anatomy of the insect through the use of advanced imaging technology. By removing the layers of the insect's anatomy, Logan and Dunphy reveal the complex natural engineering that has led to body systems and senses that are perfectly developed for these bugs, even the simplest among them, to survive and even thrive.
This DVD doesn't stop with just a look at insect anatomy as it also shows how these amazing creatures have inspired humans to develop new products and technology. It also discusses how lessons learned from our buggy friends have inspired ways to protect and even save humans.
This Enhanced DVD has a run-time of 51 minutes and has the option for closed captioning.