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Dan Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture (8-part series - Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-55694
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Sale-Price: $1,359.60

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Product Description:
In this program divided into eight part series art chronicler Dan Cruickshank popularizes architecture as an assertion of human ideals and desires when he encounters the world’s most splendidly spectacular buildings. Each program highlights a new theme-death, power, paradise, beauty, disasters, connections, dreams, and pleasure- as Dan narrates the real story associated with sites fluctuating between a majestic Russian palace to a desert monastery and other intriguing sites exposing the striking connections underlying these sites.

(Dan Cruickshank's Adventures in Architecture, Enhanced DVD, 8-part series, 50 minutes each.)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-953-6
Copy Right Date: 2008
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