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Leaders: The Sculpture Diaries(Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-55279
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
For decades, artists have considered the feminine form to their muse. But it is an intriguing question whether the conclusions have been fair or unfair to women. What is the main point that the sculptural history makes about the approach towards the notions of feminine beauty and womanhood? Waldemar Januszczak confronts these questions in this powerful, mind-boggling program.
After studying the different stages of depiction of women from the primeval Venus of Willendorf to Marc Quinn’s debatable representation of pregnancy, Januszczak meets a plastic surgeon who demonstrates how ‘’perfection” can be attained by “refining” the image of Victoria Beckham. He also interacts with body sculptress Orlan, who has faced a large number of operations to transform her body into a work of art. This part has mature subject matter and imagery.

(Leaders: The Sculpture Diaries Enhanced DVD, 49 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81609-001-3
Copy Right Date: 2007
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