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The Great Outdoors: The Impressionists—Painting and Revolution (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-55274
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Art critic of British origin, Waldemar Januszczak, visits some of the most famed painting sites of Impressionistic artists in his thorough investigation of Impressionists. Despite the fact that the Impressionist pictures appear relaxed and sunny, it is the result of immense hard work. Struggling over the coastal stones or trekking through immense rain and snow, Januszczak depicts how the spontaneity comprehended in case of Impression is very deceptive - despite the fact that he reinvents its spectacular beauty in the French riverside places that Monet relished for painting and the vibrant retreats where Renoir arrested the geniality of daily life.

Viewers also absorb the different stages of technological evolution that stimulated Impressionism- the creation of portable easels, the increasing use of hog’s hair in making paint brushes along with the inception of Railway all over France-while the story associated with Impressionism intensifies more with the advent of the famous Paul Cezanne, a person who was considered to be an untalented individual by lot a people but who gave a new dimension to the movement.

The Great Outdoors: The Impressionists—Painting and Revolution, Enhanced DVD, 60 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-946-8
Copy Right Date: 2011
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