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Hidden Treasures of Indian Art (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-55261
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Program host Griff Rhys travels to India in exploration of lovely, elegant traditionally crafted textiles. Will he be able to decipher the enigma behind the spectacular Indian floor cloth stored in England for a large span of time? Who created it, and does the expertise embedded in creation of the fabric still prevalent? In Gujarat, the Indian state acclaimed in history for its association with textiles, Jones takes the unusual path and travels to the villages and towns of the North West plains and unearths how the ancient techniques of printing, dyeing and embroidering are still instrumental in shaping up the way of life.
Then he moves to the hub esteemed as the mainspring of India’s most traditionally strong societies, the Rabari, esteemed for marvelous embroidery. Here, Jones encounters another intriguing question, a very crucial one though-If the traditional customs of creating dowry gifts withstand the changing trends in this fast-paced global world.

(Hidden Treasures of Indian Art, Enhanced DVD, 59 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-943-7
Copy Right Date: 2011
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