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Under Fire: Journalists in Combat (Enhanced DVD)

Under Fire: Journalists in Combat (Enhanced DVD)
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Hear remarkable details about the psychological trauma that journalists have suffered while doing their work in active war zones. This compelling video offers first hand accounts from field survivors.
Item Code: FI-55251
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Sale-Price: $179.95

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Product Description:
The public has increased their demand for up-to-date coverage from war torn regions in far corners of the world. Reporters and photographers brave these dangerous regions to bring their audiences the information they want to know about current events, but they do so at high personal risk to their own safety. Tragic incidents of violence against journalists are increasingly frequent. Survivors often suffer from severe post-traumatic stress disorder and other lasting psychological disorders as a result of their experiences on the job in active war zones. This Peabody Award-winning video contains interviews and commentary which examines the problem from a mental health perspective, as based on the work of noted neuropsychiatrist Dr. Anthony Feinstein. Gain a new perspective and understanding of the hazards these professionals have overcome in order to complete their work.

Under Fire: Journalists in Combat (Enhanced DVD)
  • IBSN: 978-0-81608-939-0
  • Run Time: 90 minutes
  • Copyright year: 2011
  • CC

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