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What a King Should Know: Illuminations—The Private Life of Kings (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-55153
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Dr. Janina Ramirez exposes the real story underlying the primitive highlighted manuscripts and demonstrates that how they were instrumental in endowing the real power in the hand of the kings and binded the kingdom wholly together in the period of warfare, rebellion and plague. She finds out that Edward III employed the many various manuscripts he read in his childhood to make himself eligible for the great triumph at the war of Crecy.
She also exposes how a spirited national selfhood emerged during the long war period with France. Dr Ramirez in the British Library's Royal Manuscripts collection discovers that splendid manuscripts like the “Bedford Hours,” accepted as war assets from the royal family of France were reconstructed for the scholarship of the English princes. She also finds out about the transmission of knowledge through a diverse type of book-the encyclopedia.

(60 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81609-218-5
Copy Right Date: 2012
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