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Growth and Inflation, Part 2 / International Aspects / National Currency Reform: 97 Percent Owned (Enhanced DVD)

Growth and Inflation, Part 2 / International Aspects / National Currency Reform: 97 Percent Owned (Enhanced DVD)
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Looks at global trends in national monetary policy reforms.
Item Code: FI-55027
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

The issuance of currency to reduce the negative effects of the recent recession, reflects a deviation from mainstream neoclassical economics. The quantitative easing policy instituted by the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Treasury in the wake of the global financial crisis 2007-2009, resulted in the issuance of ‘cheap money’ and a Treasury bond buying strategy to promote more stability in the national economy. The Fed’s stop gap policies, designed to buffer the country from the exponential escalation of national debt, as well as market exposure, were unavoidable.

Growth and Inflation, Part 2 analyzes the politics and activities of national monetary policy reform across the globe. The recent tapering strategy follows the U.S. Fed’s debt investment program, shifting the focus back to a market-based economy. This comes at a time when global factors are unpredictable due to risks abroad. Emerging markets, destabilized by recent political events and a slowdown of production in China, has created a mixed prospectus for investors. The effect of more moderate growth coinciding with a return to a focus on market trade is expected.

Sections of the documentary on national currency reform addresses inflationary policies, debt management, fiat monopolies, complementary currencies, competitive devaluation, and the interest rate effects on standard of living. Also addressed in the program are P2P banking relationships in the wake of greater public-private joint financing of key economic development projects, as well as safe banking practices. The film is part of the 97% Owned series.

Growth and Inflation, Part 2 / International Aspects / National Currency Reform: 97 Percent Owned

  • DVD
  • ISBN 978-0-81608-899-7
  • Run Time (52 Minutes)
  • Copyright 2012
  • Closed Captioned (CC)

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