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Klimt: A Kiss Cashes In (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-55008
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
The chief characters of the film mention some very rough articles published in the newspaper belonging to Vienna Secession period and thus highlight how a rejected artist can evolve into a superstar. There is a lot of similarity in the destiny of both Gustav Klimt and W.A Mozart. Their essence being recreated through a vast variety of products like Klimt teddy bears, Klimt dog blankets, Klimt china figurines among the other numerous merchandising products available in the market.
Although his fellow artists and peers harshly criticized Gustav Klimt’s work, the recreations of his work are now emerging and rising up in the popularity ladder. The Klimt Museum in Vienna has an almost unlimited collection of merchandise imprinted with this popular kiss in addition to the conventional posters among the other accessories which are readily available like the Barbie dolls, umbrellas, cookbooks and Klimt dog blankets.
This program provides key theories about the suitability of the kiss in the modern time and makes a comparison between the criticism he received in his life time and his recent popularity. The video travels to Klimt’s museum along with the Klimt Center which was constructed to honor the site of his union with his mistress.

(Klimt: A Kiss Cashes In, Enhanced DVD, 30 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-937-6
Copy Right Date: 2011
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