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Edward Hopper and the Blank Canvas (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-55000
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
This documentary explores the life and career of the acclaimed American naturalist painter Edward Hopper. Comprising of important testimonies from his close aides and the people who were motivated by his career like Wim Wenders, the German Movie director. Hopper’s picturisation of contemporary American life has been captured and regenerated in numerous films and TV programs. His style has been instrumental in shaping up the likes of Terrence Malick and Alfred Hitchcock.
Preoccupied with the happenings of daily life, Hopper portrayed gas stations, all night diners, hotel lobbies and a theater, infusing them with seemingly lonely and desolate figures because his conviction was that loneliness is an integral feature of city life. This documentary exposes the cultural and social scenario associated with Hopper’s work, while also evaluating his freedom as a painter, the different references employed in films to his work and the global recreation of his work.

(Edward Hopper and the Blank Canvas, Enhanced DVD, 51 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-991-8
Copy Right Date: 2012
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