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India: Love or Rape? (Enhanced DVD)

India: Love or Rape? (Enhanced DVD)
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India: Love or Rape?  Understand how the long abandoned caste system still rules relationships and leads to violence against women in rural India today.
Item Code: FI-53765
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

India is a land that struggles to move forward into modern society, yet clings to tradition tightly.  The gang rape of a 23 year old woman brings these struggles into the forefront. Though the caste system is illegal in India, its shadows still dominate life in rural India. Marriage and personal relationships are governed by these long held customs which embrace arranged marriages and enforce sexual taboos which often leads to violence against women. Modernists are calling for better treatment for women, especially those at the lowest levels of Indian society.  As one of the largest democracies in the world, India struggles to create a society that is safe for all its members.

India: Love or Rape?

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-0-81608-935-2
  • Run Time: 50 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2013
  • CC

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