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Leonardo da Vinci: The Restoration of the Century (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53611
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece painting of Virgin and Child with Anne was on the verge of defacement due to the attempts at renovation. The subject came to the fore once again in 2009 when a debatable decision was taken to again start a cleanup. What made the decision critical was the reason that Vinci left the painting unfinished at first and then attempted to remodel it. Different questions are raised- Can a restoration fully subscribe to Vinci’s motto? Another important question related to the public acceptance of the renovated masterpiece.
This program provides a glimpse of what lies underneath the innovative restoration project of Louvre depicting the renovation being done as the experts discuss its risks. Viewers also understand the different refurbishing methodologies with the assistance of close-ups and animations and find out the crucial information about da Vinci’s method.

(Leonardo da Vinci: The Restoration of the Century, Enhanced DVD, 55 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-932-1
Copy Right Date: 2013
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