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Leonardo da Vinci: Hidden Lives of Works of Art (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53603
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Art scholars consider it a once in a lifetime opportunity to get an invitation request from the Louvre to survey and evaluate the creations like La Belle Ferronnière and the so famous Mona Lisa and many others by Leonardo. The film highlights such an assemblage comprising of the world’s renowned and skilled experts studying the life period and also the career of legendary Renaissance painter Leonardo. Here all guests are given access to the most acclaimed works and permitted to introspect them under the ideal conditions. Initiating the study period of 2 days, every painting is removed from its position on the wall, taken out from its frame and stripped if its glass covering.

Then it is kept in the way as the artist would choose to do-under natural light in a room. It might appear to unnecessary to consider this as an confrontation between immortal art and mortals but this has a deeper significance for there is genuine and integral information to be achieved by examining Leonardo’s skilled expertise and this is made possible by extending it to the viewers.

(Leonardo da Vinci: Hidden Lives of Works of Art, Enhanced DVD, 52 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-928-4
Copy Right Date: 2012
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