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Rembrandt: Hidden Lives of Works of Art (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53602
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Once upon a time there were paintings in large numbers which were considered to be the work of the Rembrandt. Out of the magnificent eight hundred paintings which was thought be the creation of the Dutch legendary painter, only about 300 bear the mark of authentication. Surprisingly, the period of the 1800s was also the time period in which France emerged as the frontrunner in Rembrandt exploration and research. The 20th century saw the competence shift to other countries like Great Britain, Holland and the U.S. As a result of this transference, the French holdings became alienated and ignored for a large span of time.

The Louvre, in spite of all this, stores a part of Rembrandts most celebrated and esteemed masterpieces like "Bathsheba at Her Bath" and "The Slaughtered Ox" which offer efficient ground for the persistent discourses and debates on authenticity. The film raises some very crucial questions which can make one fall in dilemma- the question of whether to restore or to not. The film makes an exploration to Louvre in its Rembrandt research days employing the “off the wall, out of the frame’ outlook of the museum to answer some most challenging questions in contemporary art scholarship.

(Rembrandt: Hidden Lives of Works of Art, Enhanced DVD, 52 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-927-7
Copy Right Date: 2012
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