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Raphael: Hidden Lives of Works of Art (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53601
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
After shifting to Rome, Raphael soon started to dominate the space of Vatican commissions. It is wrong to consider the tapestries and frescoes which exhibit his talents on a magnificent scale as the key points of his heritage. Portraits exploring his private relationships are his best creations. Persuading the key proponents of the art arena to survey the Raphael collection, the Louvre enabled them to come into an intimate contact with The Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione, the baffling magnificent Self-painting with a companion, and a magnificent masterpiece, Saint Michael Vanquishing Satan that has withstood every obstacle.

This film travels with Paul Joannides, professor at the University of Cambridge art history, and Pierre Curie, chief director of the painting sector at the C2RMF restoration departmen. Both of them compare and contrast the different perspectives and opinions that were prevalent in the days of Raphael. Viewers will also encounter what is the consequence when the prized and cherished images by the master painter are disconnected from their safe secured coverings. They can be introspected with an entirely new approach.

(Raphael: Hidden Lives of Works of Art, Enhanced DVD, 52 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-926-0
Copy Right Date: 2012
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