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After Photography? Photo (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53597
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Sale-Price: $149.95

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Product Description:
It is a difficult question to answer, whether the degeneration of darkroom implies the doom of “real” photography. This program documents the present day modern artists, who employ diverse kind of methodologies to produce photographs, from the lomographers who use analogs to the people who consider the computer a substitute of the camera. A modification on the earlier techniques is visible in the works of Frederic Lebain who favors old instamatic. Vera Lutter is credited with constructing a camera obscure in the size of a camera.

Christian Marclay also plays tribute to old cyanotypes in his photographs. The video surveys the different ways through which photographers adopt analog technology like the “photo sculptures” centred upon DNA by Dewey-Haborg; “Googlegrams,” propagated by Joan Fontcuberta’s which appear as collages of a large number of images taken from the internet; and Oleg Dou’s unearthly captures of children who appear more like an online epitome. The video also features Thomas Friedman, Andreas Gursky, Beata Gutschow and Jules Spinatsch.

(After Photography? Photo, Enhanced DVD, 26 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-889-8
Copy Right Date: 2013
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