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Found Images: Photo (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53594
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Sale-Price: $149.95

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Product Description:
This program examines the variant types of innovative found photography starting with photo styles which employ cast off disposed photos to the ones which utilize graphics available over the internet as the basic material for their work. Joachim Schmid in producing “Pictures from the Street” created a new sort of innovative pictures by patching up the different torn photos. He in this way inaugurated the concept of “found art” to photography. In addition to the other integral pieces, the video also explores Linder Sterling’s “Pretty Girls”, Robert Heinecken’s “Are You Rea” along with the book by Larry Sultan and Mike Mandel which created a splash in the modern world in 1977 “Evidence”.

(Found Images: Photo, Enhanced DVD, 26 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-886-7
Copy Right Date: 2012
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