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New Vision: Experimental Photography of the 1920s—Photo (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53592
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Sale-Price: $149.95

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Product Description:
Walter Graeff’s acclaimed work “Here Comes the New Photographer” was published in synchronicity with Stuttgart’s powerful film “Film und Foto exhibition”, both released in 1929. “Here Comes the New Photographer” soon established itself as the how-to-guide book for the evolving generation of artists of the Bauhaus and Constructivist schools.

This new outlook photography put forward the idea that the new generations of suburban metropolitan people approach the world with a new vision. The program explores the photographs, photomontages, photograms and collages produced in accordance with the precepts available in “Here Comes the New Photographer”. The video also features László Moholy-Nagy, El Lissitzky, Alexander Rodchenko, Raoul Hausmann concentrating on “The City at Night,” “Xanti Schawinsky on a Bauhaus Balcony,” “Metropolis.”

(New Vision: Experimental Photography of the 1920s—Photo, Enhanced DVD, 26 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-884-3
Copy Right Date: 2012
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