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The Primitives of Photography, 1850-1860: Photo (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53588
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Sale-Price: $149.95

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Product Description:
With a critique of its major proponents-popular as “the primitives of photography” - this program evaluates the short yet significant golden phase between the emergence of photography and the time by which it grew into a big industry. The metamorphosis of this camera from just a simple device to record things to an innovative artistic field is shown in a variety of works that consists of conscious compositions along with staged captures and compound prints.
It also explains the technical methods by which photographers highlighted their work in the development of “The Two Ways of Life.” The video also features the famous Gustave Le Gray, Édouard Baldus, Hippolyte Bayard, and Henry Peach Robinson emphasizing on “Self Portrait as a Drowned Man,” and “Open Door”, among many others.

(The Primitives of Photography, 1850-1860: Photo, Enhanced DVD, 26 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-880-5
Copy Right Date: 2011
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