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Surrealist Photography: Photo (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53587
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Sale-Price: $149.95

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Product Description:
The program emphasizes the mode of working and philosophical principles of Surrealist photographers employing the work of Dali, Man Ray, Dora Maar and others. The video demonstrates how the camera was employed as a tool for exposing an innate intrinsic relation between the real and surreal; and for divulging that non living objects when captured on film can take on unearthly supernatural life of its own while on the other hand the animate things may appear as nonliving props. Covers very famous personalities like André Breton, Marcel Marien, André Kertész, Manuel Alvarez Bravo and others. Contains explicit images.

( Surrealist Photography: Photo Enhanced DVD, 26 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-879-9
Copy Right Date: 2009
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