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Breaking the Wall Between Earth and Sky: How Art Challenges Gravity and Light in Our Habitat (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53581
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
The revolutionary power of art is playing a crucial part in equipping architecture with challenging yet striking thoughts of the future. Argentinean architect and artist Tomás Saraceno has achieved global recognition for his advanced cosmopolitan and creative installations and innovative photographic work. Residing in Germany, Saraceno creates idealistic spaces taking cue from suggestive elements like spider webs, soap bubbles, chocolate-milk foam, astronomical constellations and others.

He has developed a method of creating habitable networks associated with complex geometries and interconnectivities that attempts to surpass the sensorial effect, making the reader focus his attention on the other forms of knowledge, feelings and social relations. In this lecture Saraceno shows how his partnership with scientist at Nasa along with the other skilled engineers, chemists, botanists provide innovative social options to the cultural, political, social and military prohibitions that are prevalent in the modern world.

(Breaking the Wall between Earth and Sky: How Art Challenges Gravity and Light in Our Habitat, Enhanced DVD, 15 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-669-6
Copy Right Date: 2012
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