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Breaking the Wall of Convention: How Architecture Can Provoke New Thought (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53577
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
The economic influence of buildings with a greater “wow” quotient on various high profile cities, like Bilbao, Manchester and Chicago has put the emphasis back on the arguable topic-the significant role the architects play in society. They create the whole aura around the whole concept of “starchitect”, to signify their media implication. With infuriating works like the World Trade Center in New York and the Jewish Museum in Berlin, Daniel Libeskind has achieved universal popularity. He is the epitome of the archetypal Renaissance man- with whole some knowledge in various fields such as poetry, music and costume design.

Libeskind visualizes architecture as a manifestation and integral part of the native culture whereby buildings engross a lasting conversation with their inhabitants. He is of the opinion that sustainability is not merely a technological characteristic, but also a great tool of social importance. In this lecture, Libeskind analyzes his large number of projects and his creative online teaching outlook at the Leuphana University Lüneburg desired at constructing the “ideal city of the 21st century.”( Breaking the Wall of Convention: How Architecture Can Provoke New Thought, Enhanced DVD, 16 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-665-8
Copy Right Date: 2012
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