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Rockwell Kent: A Biography (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-53549
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
A popular documentary by Frederick Lewis, this documentary is referred to as a detailed, visually enriching and sweeping portrait of a man who is found to emerge as a compelling and complex, contradictory force of nature. It is actually, more like a charismatic reflection of the times he lived. This includes the 1930’s era from the political culture to the interesting movement to abstraction.

Storehouse of talent is the perfect word to describe Rockwell Kent, the 20th century artist who dabbles as a painter, illustrator, author, socialist, activist and adventurer. None can fully measure his talent. He is such a versatile talented individual that no biographic sketch of his can ever fully subscribe to the depth of his proficiency. In making for a long time, this film explores the roots, the evolution and blossoming of Kent’s talent while examining his globe-trotting life experience through nine decades of vivacious living.

From a poverty stricken harsh childhood to an extensive career in which his creative, commercial and political considerations intermixed and concealed his responsibilities as a father, Kent is portrayed here in the expansive diverse geographic locations which amazed him, in candid conversations with the people who know him closely and in the inner beauty of his paintings, writings and prints. Introspection by critics and scholars also help us to appreciate the skill of this genius.

(Rockwell Kent: A Biography, Enhanced DVD, 172 minutes)
ISBN: 978-0-81608-839-3
Copy Right Date: 2006
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