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Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo and the Search for Identity: Children of Argentina’s “Disappeared” (Enhanced DVD)

Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo and the Search for Identity: Children of Argentina’s “Disappeared” (Enhanced DVD)
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Uncover the work of the human rights group, Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo through interviews with some of the groups activists in this film.
Item Code: FI-53461
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

In Argentina between the years of 1976 and 1983, tens of thousands of people who actively disagreed with the oppressive military dictatorship were kidnapped. These people are commonly referred to as the "disappeared" because it is not known what happened to them. The children of these kidnapped enemies of the state were taken and raised by sympathizers of the dictatorship in an effort to reduce the number of people in the population who dissented. Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo are an activist group thats consists of grandmothers trying to locate their grandchildren who were adopted after their parents disappeared. This film interviews members of Las Abuelas to tell the inside story of torn families in Argentina. 

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-0-81608-830-0
  • Run Time: 55 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2012
  • CC

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